Escorts in Shad Bagh Lahore

Escorts in Shad Bagh

Escorts in Shad Bagh are the ones who take care of the bride during her wedding. She is escorted by them to the place where the ceremony will take place. After the bride has been taken to the venue, she is brought along with all the members of the wedding party and other guests. She is then taken to the banquet hall and she is introduced to the groom and his family. Escorts in Lahore perform this task not only for the bride, but to make sure that she is comfortable throughout the entire event.

The escort escorts prepare the bride’s vehicle by blocking it at a safe place. They then guide the bride from the vehicle to the venue of the function. The bride’s family also makes the necessary arrangements for her safety while she is being transported to the groom’s house. Her relatives have to stay with her till she reaches the groom’s home. Escorts in Lahore take good care of the bride’s needs while transporting her to the groom’s house. They ensure that she is comfortable throughout the journey and that nothing should go wrong that might stop them from reaching the groom’s residence.

As soon as the bride’s escorts reach the wedding venue, the wedding party and other guests wait for her. The escort escorts then lead the bride to the aisle where she is welcomed by the groom and his family. The bride’s family escorts her down the aisle and she is welcomed by the crowd. The bride is given a bouquet of flowers and she is followed by her groom and other wedding party members. The bride then steps into the hearth and is made to walk towards the’mangani’ or the platform on which the couple will sit for the reception.

As soon as the couple is seated on the mangani, the bride’s escorts hold the bride’s hands and lift her up and take her to the groom’s side. The groom takes hold of the bride’s hand and leads her to the aisle where he and his bride are welcomed by the entire guest queue. The bride steps over the threshold of the hearth and the music starts. The guests clap and the dance gets lively.

An army of security forces stands by outside the house of the couple and they welcome the guests as the bride. The bride is carried to the grand baobab shed where the wedding party has gathered. A number of members of the wedding party such as the parents of the groom sit on the ground and the rest sit on chairs placed on top of each other. There is a massive floral wreath on top of the rectangular pit. The wedding celebration ends with a seven-minute rattle involving the band and the wedding sangeet.

Once the wedding party has departed, the bride steps out of the hearth, which is guarded by the bodyguards of the groom. Her escort is a muscular man in his thirties. He introduces the bride to her groom and they take a few steps toward the aisle. The groom then places both his hands on the bride’s face so that she can feel his warmth. When the band starts to play, the bride giggles and feels butterflies in her stomach.

When the wedding party reaches the venue of the ceremony, the bride and the groom are welcomed by a large group of people. The bride steps forward to receive flowers from the several people that had attended the wedding. A number of male and female security forces surround the couple and they walk toward the dais. The bride turns to the groom and they embrace each other with their hands adorned with rings. The band starts to play “Diary of a Lady.”

The escorts of the bride and the groom then proceed through the massive crowd to the reception hall where the bride is seated on the head table while the groom sits on the other end of the table. The band stops playing when the bride and the groom give each other a kiss. A number of people carry flowers as they enter the reception hall and the bride and groom kiss each other once more before the bride and groom take their seats on the dais.