Escorts in Burj Colony Lahore

Escorts in Burj Colony

If you are looking for a bride, Escorts in Lahore are the best choice. It has been a tradition in this city that the father of the bride, along with other elders, come to welcome the bride on the day of her marriage. It is not only about the bride that they look forward for, but their parents as well.

When they see her for the first time they get amazed at her looks and charm. They try to decide whether she should go to a arranged marriage or not. They feel that it is a big decision and want to do something for her. So they decide to send her to an engagement party. There is a lot of fun and gaiety involved there and the bride enjoys all these things to the hilt.

Her dress is beautiful and dazzling. She wears the most exquisite jewelry and looks like a queen. Her veil and headpiece are the most expensive part of her attire. Everything about her just makes her look stunning and elegant.

The groom also deserves the best in the profession. The groom comes to the party separately. He is the one who has planned to propose to the bride and is apprehensive about his appearance. But he also sees her as a princess and does not want to disappoint her. So he tries to look good there by the assistance of the Escorts in Burj Colony.

They are the best Escorts in Lahore. They know the routine. They know the tricks to tease and embarrass the groom. They make sure that he can’t resist their teasing. The entire idea is to make sure that the groom is totally confused and does not know what to do.

Once the groom does arrive he is welcomed by the bride and her parents. After this he is showered with all the adoration and praise that he has deserved. Then only he gets down on his knees and thanks God for making this day possible. This is when the groom realizes that he has been given such great honor by the bride.

The escorts spend the whole night teasing and harassing the groom. Every possible opportunity to embarrass him is taken. But to no avail! The bride and her parents have faith in their wisest investment – the groom.

The next day the bride and groom head to the church where she is to be married. Again they are harassed by the Escorts in Burj Colony. It is so embarrassing for the groom that he doesn’t want to get married again. But God knows he is doing the right thing. The bride too realizes that what she is about to do is wrong and backs off.

The wedding ceremony is then carried out with the most of pomp and pageantry. The Moroccan guard stands in formation twenty four hours a day to protect the holy place. The local girls dance and the music is excellent. The party is over in just two hours.

As soon as the groom comes back home the Escorts in Burj Colony have a chat with the family and the bride. They threaten the family with dire consequences if the wedding goes ahead. But luckily things are not so and the bride is soon ready to get married. The groom meanwhile has returned home with sweet dreams.

A short while later the bride and groom are in bed. She starts having a dream about them and she suddenly becomes very nervous. He tries to calm her but she ignores him. Suddenly she wakes up in the middle of the night and cries out for her parents.

Then slowly the image of a man dressed in white appears in her consciousness. She is told that this is the groom. Then she is taken to see the doctor who checks her for anemia and tells her that the child cannot have children. But still she does not believe the news and her mother confirms it. The bride then gets on a plane and the groom comes home.