Escorts in DHA Phase 2 Lahore

Escorts in DHA Phase 2

The second phase of the gangrape in Pakistan’s capital city, Islamabad, is named as “lashkar”. It is not very different from the first phase when the city witnessed communal riots. However, this time round, the focus is on how to curb sexual violence and to prevent it from escalating. This is the job of the new Public Security Commission (PSC) that has been formed under the orders of the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

The new law along with other laws was formulated after intense discussions between lawyers and government officials. The PSC chief has also held consultation with top officials from the armed forces, police and other law enforcement agencies so that the implementation of these laws will be smooth. The implementation process also has to comply with the constitution of Pakistan. The law on Violence against Women and Children (VAWC) was introduced by the federal government in January 2021. Later, the law was further amended in the fourth week of May 2021. This law provides protection to women and children from all forms of physical and mental abuse and violence.

The new service which is being provided by the law departments is Escorts in Lahore. The services of these escorts have been created to deal with various types of cases that concern women and children. These include domestic and honor killing; honor killing of a girl because of her relationship with a boy; kidnapping for ransom and sexual slavery. The law on Violence against Women and Children (VAWC) enables the victims of such crimes to get proper justice through the help of lawyers.

Now, Escorts in Lahore have taken it up a notch. They have started to provide their services at free of cost and have also made arrangements to provide accommodation as well as safety to their clients. This new service has been planned in response to the alarming cases of violence against women and children in the city. There is a very simple reason for this.

This new law on Violence against Women and Children Act also covers the child victims. The protection provided by this law is meant to make the lives better of the child victims too. It is a common thing that children are the product of rape. And there have been cases of rape and murder of children. The introduction of this law is intended to prevent these incidents from taking place in future.

Escorts in DHA Phase 2 have to deal with different kinds of clients. So they have to be well trained in order to serve their purpose satisfactorily. They have to be well aware of the legalities and the tactics of dealing with various kinds of criminals. They have to be responsive and proactive towards every call made to them.

The implementation of this law has not only uplifted the image of law enforcement agencies but also of the service providers as well. The services providers who had suffered loss due to crime have gained a great morale boost. Now if anyone needs help then he or she can easily approach any of the escorts. Even though it is true that most of the service providers had not been affected directly but they have benefited in a big manner due to the new law.

The best thing about this law is that it has uplifted the reputation of many police and other law enforcement agencies. Escorts in DHA Phase 2 are more likely to interact and intercede between the victim and the offender more successfully. The process through which the service providers assist the victims has also improved. And this is why they are in demand in almost all the cities of India.